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Our Festival Story

The Sorrento Writers Festival is a not-for-profit cultural and community organisation festival that brings year-round literary events, discussions and talks to Sorrento and the wider Mornington Peninsula community.

We have a long-term commitment to improve literacy, enhance learning and provide a safe, stimulating and mutually-respectful environment in which to discuss ideas. We want more children reading books. We want them to experience the joys of storytelling and the potential of their imaginations. We want older folk to be excited and engaged.

The Festival celebrates its deep First Nations history, its European settler influence, and its contemporary role as one of Victoria’s most beautiful coastal villages.

The Sorrento Writers Festival is Victoria’s biggest literary event in terms of number of speakers, number of sessions and n umber of tickets sold. The dates for our 2025 Festival are Thursday April 25-Sunday April 27, 2025.  The program and ticket sales will go live in late February. We hope you will join us.

Our Goals

The Sorrento Writers Festival mission is to bring writers and readers together. Our aim is to provide safe environments in which to have important and respectful conversations. Our long term goal is to improve reading and literacy among children on the Mornington Peninsula, to ignite their imaginations and prompt inquiry. The students at Sorrento’s two schools – St.Joseph’s and Sorrento Primary School – are important members of our Community and so once again, children’s authors and illustrators will visit their classrooms as part of our Festival.

Our ambition is to raise funds to support a variety of local literacy and reading initiatives such as the Mornington Peninsula Foundation, the Portsea Camp, the Sorrento Primary School and St.Joseph’s School libraries, and via our own Sorrento Library which one day, we hope to establish.

Our Team

The Sorrento Writers Festival Incorporated is a registered not-for-profit charity. The entity is run by a Committee of Management with the assistance of financial advisory firm, the Kearney Group. We are fiscally responsible, we believe in good governance, regular reporting back to stakeholders, and although we plan within our means, we dream big. And we give back to the community; the Festival will be an employer of casual staff, volunteers and interns keen to gain experience in the events-books-culture-hospitality spaces. Our goal is to become a best-practice community cultural organisatio
and one that engenders pride and respect.

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> View Our Partners

Our Patrons:
  • Kate Baillieu
  • Diane Balnaves
  • The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG
  • Professor Marcia Langton AO
  • Lady Marigold Southey AC
  • David Williamson AO
Our Committee of Management:

President: Peter Inge OAM
Festival DirectorCorrie Perkin
Treasurer: Narelle Cormack

Rose Donohoe
Nicholas Martin
Mandy Rethus
Our Foundation Friends

We thank our Friends of the Festival – a group of remarkable women who bring their time, support, wisdom, families, friends and contacts, and diverse talents to help our Festival grow.

  • Helen Blythe
  • Tania Brougham
  • Dene Buxton
  • Mary Clark
  • Chris Clough
  • Caroline Cornish
  • Pia Di
  • Mattina Marg Downey
  • Paige Fitzroy
  • Rosemary Geer
  • Celia Hirsh
  • Jane Hiscock
  • Trudy Johnson
  • Julie Kantor
  • Jane Kinsman
  • Anna Koren
  • Georgie Lynch
  • Jane McCubbin
  • Susie Nathan
  • Sophie Patten
  • Kate Spelemeiden
  • Melinda Williams
  • Caroline Wilson
  • Mandy Yencken
  • Anita Ziemer
Our Sub-Committees

Rose Donohoe (Chair), Will Carter, Lib Hutton, Corrie Perkin

Narelle Cormack (Chair), Peter Inge, Nicholas Martin, Corrie Perkin

Peter Inge (Chair), Nicholas Martin, Corrie Perkin, Fiona Poletti

Mandy Rethus (Chair), Coco Carter, Laura Macdonald, Corrie Perkin, Isabel Pinkster, Melinda Williams

Corrie Perkin (Chair), Francesca Carter, Rose Donohoe, Laura Macdonald, Mandy Reties

Our Operations Team

Festival Founder, Director and CEO
Corrie Perkin

Operations and Programming
Laura Macdonald

Festival Coordinator
Isabel Pinkster

Partnerships and Stakeholders
Fiona Poletti

Melinda Williams

IT, data, website and box office
ArtFuel by I-Nex

Leng Na

Media and PR
Project Hutton

Graphic designer
Jasmin Tulk

Printed program
Steve Perkin, Kate Slattery, Janelle Ward (with thanks to Festival Friends Pia Di Mattina, Sophie Patten and Anita Ziemer)

Legal advice
Peter Inge and Richard Janko


sorrento writers festival

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