Aarti Betigeri

Aarti Betigeri is a journalist and former foreign correspondent based in Canberra. She is a correspondent for Monocle and contributes to local and foreign media outlets. During almost a decade in India, she reported for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and Time. She has worked on major investigative initiatives, including an ABC Foreign Correspondent documentary on international surrogacy.

Friday April 25

60 mins

Sorrento Museum

Migration Stories In The Round
How human journeys impact storytelling

Sunday April 27

60 mins

Ellen Grant Hall

Is Australia a Racist Country?

Sunday April 27

60 mins

Sorrento Community Centre

My Life and India
A conversation about the nation, its people and its great diaspora

Moderator: Sally Warhaft Speakers: Gideon Haigh, Aarti Betigeri