Virginia Trioli

Virginia Trioli is a two-time Walkley award-winning journalist and the author of two books: her 2024 food memoir A Bit on the Side and the feminist investigation Generation F. She is the host of ABC TV’s Creative Types.

Thursday April 24

60 mins

Room Two, Sorrento Masonic Centre

Between Us
Annie Smithers & Virginia Trioli


Thursday April 24

60 mins

The Ballroom, The Continental

Art Stream (5)
How ‘Blue Poles’ Forever Changed Australia’s Gallery Landscape

This session is supported by Otomys Art Gallery

Moderator: Virginia Trioli Speaker: Tom McIlroy

Friday April 25

60 mins

Halcyon Hall, The Continental

Food As Solace
How cooking helps me through the bad times and the good

This session is supported by Hotel Sorrento

Saturday April 26

60 mins

Sorrento Bowls Club

1975 Then, Now and Beyond 50 Years of Feminism in Australia

Sunday April 27

60 mins

Sorrento Community Centre

In Conversation
Gina Chick

Moderator: Virginia Trioli Speaker: Gina Chick