Anthony Sharwood

Anthony Sharwood is a Walkley Award-winning journalist and author of three books set in the Australian high country: From Snow to Ash (2020), The Brumby Wars (2021) and Kosciuszko (2024). Part historical biography, part travelogue, Kosciuszko follows the trail of the great Polish freedom fighter before switching focus to the Ngarigo people as they seek to reclaim the original name of Australia’s highest peak.

Thursday April 24

60 mins

Sorrento Community Centre

The Ghosts Are Here
First Nations perspectives on European explorers

Thursday April 24

60 mins

Room Two, Sorrento Masonic Centre

Grey Nomads On Tour
And other reasons to discover Australia

Thursday April 24

60 mins

The Ballroom, The Continental

What I Learned
Three biographers explain the impact of writing another person’s life story

Judith Brett, Helen Ennis and Anthony Sharwood with Jane Montgomery Griffiths (M)  

Friday April 25

60 mins

Sorrento Bowls Club

Nature, My Great Escape
Tales of growing, re-wilding and rejuvenating